Moderator Mode

1. Moderator mode is an approval based mode where only the moderator or the teacher can write in the whiteboard. Participant must request permission to draw or write.


2. Host must start live collaboration to use this mode.


3. Share the session code for participant to join.


4. From participant view, insert the session code in join collab menu if joining via code. Click join.


5. Host has to grant approval in order to let participant join the collaboration.


6. On host side, go to Participant Menu - Allow User - Select 'Allow' button to allow user participate in the session.


7. By default participant will not able to draw until was granted permission.

8. Permission can be granted only on host. From host side, click icon in highlight area to grant permission for participant to draw and click back on the icon to disable the permission again.


9. Participant also can request for host to grant the permission. Click the icon in highlighted area to ask for permission.


10. User that has been granted access can use editing tool to start annotate with host.

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